Natural Remedies for a Black Eye

Black eye is among the most common eye injuries.  When you have a black eye, capillaries leak blood into the tissue around the eye, which is what gives the bruised appearance.  There are a vast array of natural remedies for treatment of a black eye.

Natural Remedies for a Black Eye - Rose Essential Oil Remedy

Rose essential oil is one of the best natural remedies for a black eye.

1 drop each Rose essential oil and Geranium essential oil
2 tablespoons witch hazel
1 tablespoon ice cold water
1 cotton pad

Combine ingredients and saturate the cotton pad.  Apply to the black eye for 15 minutes.  Repeat 3 times per day for 5 days.

Natural Remedies for a Black Eye - Cold Compress

A cold compress is probably the single most effective of the natural remedies for a black eye.  The ice soothes the pain and reduces swelling, bruising and redness of a black eye.

Ice cubes
Plastic zip lock bag
Dish towel or other clean cloth

Fill the plastic zip lock bag with ice cubes.  Securely zip the plastic bag and wrap it with the dish towel.
Place the compress on the eye for twenty minutes or longer if you can. 
This is one of the natural remedies for a black eye that can be performed as often as needed.

Natural Remedies for a Black Eye - Links

Natural First Aid for a Black Eye
This article explains how to successfully administer first aid natural remedies to a black eye.

Got a Black Eye? Try These Household Products for Quick Relief
This article suggests ordinary household natural remedies for a black eye.